Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ISB Moves to #15 in the World!

I love ISB's school spirit. The 2009 Financial Times MBA ranking came out two days ago and it ranked ISB #15, moving up 5 spots from #20 the previous year. We had a celebration at noon today with opening remarks from the ex-dean, Professor Mendu Rammohan Rao, followed by a lunch buffet at the atrium. I'm really impressed with the school spirit the student community shows. I'm also really loving the campus life because I never did coming from a city school (University of Toronto). It's such a tight community and all the ISB students have been so warm and welcoming. I just came back from celebrating this milestone from the 2008 Student Lounge, an outdoor dance floor with a kickass sound system donated by the 2008 class. I'm not much of a dancer but I really enjoyed being on the dance floor with everyone dancing to Indian music. Nothing beats partying with everyone and then walking about 100 yards back to my room. Back home, I would to hang out with my friends and then drive 40 minutes back to home.
It's been tough juggling between school, work, and traveling but I'm loving it!
WaLLy :)

So Sonu is a bit confused... it's #15, not #51.


  1. First comment on your first blog post ... w00t!

    Anyway, I'll add your blog to my RSS reader so I can follow your "exploits" in India and beyond!

  2. Great to see you blog here. I hope you post often. I too will add you to my RSS feed.

